Germany is the gold medallist in the 5-year horses class is Mezőhegyes, Hungary. The SATHU horse bay male and the driver, Bettina Winkler from Germany get a final result of 16.51 points after dressage and combined cones diving. The Silesian breed black stallion, FROMBORK win silver with Polish World Champion of Kronenberg is horse single, Bartlomiej Kwiatek (14.22). The 3rd place goes to the Westfalen chestnut mare, FINESSE 374 and Alexander Bösch from Austria (14.12).
CHARLY BROWN is the World Champion in the 6-year-old horses category with 15.77 points despite the fact that the Schweres Warmblut produces two balls down in the combined marathon event.
The driver is the German Jessica Wächter. The 2nd placed is FST Laurin with Lars Krüger from Germany (14.47), while the bronze medallist is RENESANS with Bartlomiej Kwiatek (14.17). The Polish driver wins 2 medals is Mezőhegyes.
The bay gelding German sporthorse, FORTINO is the best in the 7-year-old class at the 4th FEI World Driving Championships for Young Horses (16.41). FORTINO won gold medal in 2017, as well, in the 6-year-old horses category. The driver, Marie Tischer in this way is the title defender with FORTINO. The FORTINO-Tischer pair moreover won silver medal at the European Championships for Young Drivers this summer in Kisbér-Ászár. It is interesting that Marie Tischer’s groom, Fokko Strassner won the gold medal in the same category in Kisbér-Ászár. Back to Mezőhegyes: the KWPN GREYDANUS with the Italian Cristiano CIvidin finish on the 2nd place (15.01), Loxia and Weronika Kwiatek get the 3rd place with 13.49 points. Thank István Tibor Pap, general director of State Stud Farm of Mezőhegyes, for the great organization.
Made by Ilona Cseh-Lakos and István Vida-Szűcs