Dear Guests,
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the former President of the FEI, World Champion in driving once said: Hungary was always the pioneer of this sport.
I believe it’s true!
FEI decided to organize for the fourth time the World Driving Championship for Young Horses in Mezőhegyes, this representing the twelfth World Championship organized in Hungary. Professionals consider that the former Championships for Young Horses were great success, I hope this year the organizers stick to these standards, set by our history in this sport.
Hungary has won 101 medals at European and World Driving Championships, which of 43 were gold. The spectacular competitions organized in Mezőhegyes, having 234-year-old history have promising future. The cultural, professional, spiritual worth Mezőhegyes reassured its place on the equestrian map.
This World Championship is a perfect opportunity for the young horses to present themselves as singles and try their abilities and preparedness.
Hereby I would like to express my special thanks to the organizers and volunteers for their hard work and for the people from Mezőhegyes their support.
I wish good luck to the competitors and the officials and great enjoyment to the spectators. I also wish success for the competing horses with admiration.
Babits Mihály, our national poet wrote:
„One can live without horses, but it isn’t worth it.”
Vilmos LÁZÁR
Hungarian Equestrian Federation